Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Education Biography - 1433 Words

Countless leaders, revolutionaries, and scholars have discerned that only through the trials of experience are we able to clearly identify an established pursuit. This prospect of a delayed reward seemingly motivates us to continue in our endeavors. Finding little relevance in experiences void of challenge or difficulty, we discern our interests largely through the upheaval of current understanding. As we mature we realize that we must first embrace where we came from if we hope to continue to develop, to adapt, and to modify and so we recognize that our past experiences have all undoubtedly led us to here. I have been taught that every person is their own project indicating that†¦show more content†¦As the University of Bristol held no affiliation with my college, I was required to take leave of absence from my university with the firm understanding that any coursework I completed overseas would be null and void upon my return, rendering the completion of my degree nearly impossible to attain within four years. Aware that my program at the University of Bristol was only five months in duration, afterward I would be no more a part of the university than when I first applied. As a visiting student, I would need to apply to an alternative educatioal institution upon completion of my program overseas. A traditional collegiate experience now looked highly unlikely. Fortunately, adhering to tradition has never been as aspiration of mine. In the Fall semester of my sophomore year I accepted the position of Public Programs Intern at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Massachusetts where I served as a liaison between administrative objectives and public interest. As an employee in the Department of Member and Visitor Services, my colleagues and I worked to identify the demographic of our intended audience in order to attract members of theShow MoreRelatedA Brief Biography On The State Of Education883 Words   |  4 PagesA Brief Biography It is interesting to note that one of the most influential educators and researchers of all time was rejected for a professorship position because she was a woman and because she was overqualified (Fraenkel). Much to the benefit of present day curriculum development, the job rejection landed her in a series of positions that would eventually lead to her work with the U.S. Office of Education. 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