Sunday, December 29, 2019

Literary Analysis Of Mice And Men - 1009 Words

Literary Analysis Rough Draft Friendship and companionship play a big role in people s life and how they interact with others, and the world in general. How people build relationships is something that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. The less relationships that people build, the more lonely, and self-kept they become. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men, George, and Lennie are examples of the positive effects on building relationships, and Crooks is an example of the negative effects on not building relationships. Crooks represents loneliness, and not building relationships. George and Lennie represent dependence on one another, and an example of how to build a strong bond/relationship. Throughout the book Of Mice and†¦show more content†¦Also he tends to react in this way because he is insecure about himself. Crooks, and his character development, is the outcome of him being isolated, lonely, separated from others, and discriminated against. Loneliness dri ves the way that people think, and how they feel. As Crooks trys to explain to Lennie how lucky he is to have someone to lean on, he feels a sense of sorrow, because what he is telling Lennie, is his life. Crooks proclaims to Lennie, â€Å"Maybe you can see now. You got George. You know he’s goin’ to come back. S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunkhouse and play rummy ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that? Sure you could play horseshoes till it got dark, but then you got to read books. Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody--to be near him.† He whined, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. I tell ya,† he cried, â€Å"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick† (72-73). This quote specifically is talking about Crooks life, and what he goes through everyday . That day Lennie became Crooks somebody, which is something he has never experienced before. At first he was hesitant about Lennie, but because he never talks to anyone, Crooks let him in because he realized that Lennie could be that somebody, somebody to talk to and connect with. Crooks symbolically represents loneliness, and the negative effects of not building/havingShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men Literary Analysis1242 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Of Mice and Men is a novel about two men and their struggle to reach their dreams of owning their own ranch. George Milton and Lennie Small are best friends, who despite of all their extremely difference personalities, but still manage to work together, travel together and get rid of anything that gets in their way. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The And The Witch By Silvia Federici - 1259 Words

Women have played an extremely important role in the growth of society around the world. Along with that role, women have been ridiculed, persecuted, and considered inferior to men. Why has inequality between the classes and sexes been so ubiquitous for so long? Caliban and the Witch is a historical book written by Silvia Federici, an Italian-American scholar, that discusses this question along with the growth of capitalism and the reformation of society itself. Silvia Federici compares different eras and the role of women in them. She looks at the Middle Ages, and the Early modern period. She draws from different sources from around the world and combines them to form Caliban and the Witch. The first example that Silvia Federici uses†¦show more content†¦Again and again the idea that men were superior to women was placed into people’s subconsciouses, whether through workload or witch-hunts. Many aspects of this book relate subjects we have studied as a class such as slavery, Native Americans, women’s rights, and Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. Serfdom in the 5th century was the first recorded sense of inequality between men and women. Even then, there was a strong sense of patriarchy among society. â€Å"Women were [...] excluded from the offices to which the better off-male peasants were appointed, and, to all effects, they had a second-class status [...] Nevertheless, female serfs were less dependent on their male kin, less differentiated from them physically, socially, and psychologically, and were less subservient to men’s needs than ‘free’ women were to be later in capitalist society† (24). Women’s dependence to men relied on the fact that they were bound to each other by law. â€Å"It was the lord who commanded women’s work and social relations, deciding, for instance, whether a widow should remarry and who should be her spouse† (25). Inequality was much less prevalent among the lower classes. Every person, man or woman, worked for their living and to please their landl ords. â€Å"[M]ost of the tasks female serfs performed were done in cooperation with other women, we then realize that the seual division of labor, far from being a source of isolation, was a source of power and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Accounting for Inventory & Trade Stock for Tax-

Question: Discuss about theAccounting for Inventory Trade Stock for Tax Purposes. Answer: Income Tax Assessment Act requires that all entities in operation making profits or loss to declare their respective tax return obligation at the end of each financial year as referred cited by Kirchler(2010.Pg 340).The act further emphasizes the need to include all gross earning and sale proceeds revenue generated for tax purpose in the books as assessable income. Accounting for inventory is so vital that no firm cant ignore its accountability simply because is an item that rotates across cash i.e. from purchases to sales thus a great contributor to value addition tax. Tony is seen from the information available to be conducting the business of selling both new and repaired gazebos chairs. From this, of course, the conclusion can be, made that Tony gets revenue from sales of six chairs each at $500 thus generating $3000 as well as from sales of four repaired gazebos that earned him $78 revenue. However, the revenues are subjected to deductible allowable cost and expenses as illustrated below; Cost of manufacturing the chairs sold =$250*6=$1500 Repaired Chairs cost =$20 Replacing Cost i.e. the 8 Chairs=$15*8 =$120 All these costs relate to the above revenue of $3078 thus can use them to arrive at the net profit before tax of=$3078-$1500-$20-$120=$1438, this profit is what that worth to be subjected to tax. If we were to subject the revenue to tax without netting off the cost, of course, the tax obligation would be high however the ATO proclaims irrational sense in accounting for revenue without expenses or costs. Tonys costs of gazebos relating to inventory balances worth to be classified as deductible allowable for tax purposes. Inventory balances should be considered for tax purposes as per the set regulation in Sec 28 of Income Tax Assessment Act. This is to be conducted through physical stocktaking which defines the balances as at the start and end of the financial year. Any change in stocks whether under, over or at constant state has different implication on the taxable income. We most all agree that in a manufacturing or business set up that involves usage of raw material at respective stages, of course, we cant miss the aspect of the cost of sales. In Tonys Sale of gazebos business there exist cost of sales items whose accountability has been achieved through; Opening Stock + Purchases - Closing Stock=Consumption Opening and Closing stocks are attained through stock taking and each one of them has an impact on the taxable income individually for example; 2015/2016 Tony did not have opening balances in real sense the stocks worth $25 is what he acquired and what was seen to be the closing balance thus dictating that Tony did not have any cost of sales items in that end of 2016 since the effect on cost of sales=$0+$25-$25=0, this is therefore seen to contribute to increasing the taxable income since there are no deductions resulting from it Cernius(2016.Pg17). Trade inventory balances are seen to determine Tonys sales position. This is so through changes happening in the balances i.e. a firm commencing its operation as at the end of the year the only exception for stock differences to be summed in the assessable income. The decrease in stocks especially closing balances greatly contribute to allowable deductible balances whereas an increase shoots up the tax assessable income as referred by Cernuous (2016.Pg 67). According to Australian Taxation Law Office trading stocks is defined to be whatever firms produces, makes, manufactures or acquires for the sole consumption purposes in manufacturing, selling and in exchange processes. It is prudent to know that for an inventory to qualify to be a trading stock the test of finding out whether the latter item facilitates operational processes in yielding economic reward benefit Knur(2014.Pg38). The act requires an entity to account for trading stocks through stocktaking so as to determine closing stock balances at hand as at start and close of the year. It is deemed that a trader taxable income is ascertained through stock valuation more so while accounting for cost of sales items Tonys income going with the set roles on stocks balances is seen to be changing the assessable income upwards during period 2015/2016 whereas 2016/2017 the opening balance is seen to be less than the closing balance as it is seen to shoot up the value to $35. Yr 2016 COS 5 second hand gazebos=0+$25-$25=0 Yr 2017 COS=$25(Opening Stock+$30(Purchases)-$35(Closing Stock) =$20 $35(Closing Stock Valuation) =1 chair from the 5 bought 2nd hand=1*$5=$5 It is from the above synopsis that Tonys gazebo for new and repaired chairs is seen to account for trading stocks Guo(2012.Pg87). The gazebos are seen to generate economic rewards hence worth to be classified as trading stocks. Obsolescence means not in use or outdated thus creating as the aspect of loss Cannella(2015.Pg124) that has to be accounted for in the books. Tonys nominal value of $1 undervalues or understates stock value thus creating stock or inventory loss. By virtue of record keeping the stock, the loss is assigned to counter income thus treated as allowable deductions for tax purposes. An obsolete stock is further seen to reduce the balances of stocks hence subjecting the latter for tax purposes Kk(2014.Pg100). Upon analyzing Tonys business we are dutiful to conclude that he deals with trade stocks acquired externally while some he locally adds value to it. The stocks are either acquired or sold via purchases or sales Date (2005.Pg17). The law thus advises accountability of goods sales and purchase through payment of input and output tax aspects.Tony is therefore advised to register for Goods Sales Tax purpose so as to counter the GST input tax McCarthy(2011.Pg61) from purchases and sales output tax Evans(2011.Pg140). Use of Good Sales Tax will control and create efficiency in Tonys operation as well as facilitating tax burden planning. Tony need to register for GST so as to be claiming taxes he paid while purchasing the gazebos this should be used to set off output tax. Although this GST on purchases is claimable upon registration and upon purchase there exist instances where you pay for inventory you already had at hand before registration. Inventory at hand is mostly as result of purchase made thus as at the time of making the purchase GST was charge on this purchase thus always leaving the seller and buy with the task of accounting for this charge for tax purposes. Input tax results from purchases made while output result from sales made the two as per GST regulations should contra each other and thus allowing for tax refund or tax payable. Although anything held for the sole need of facilitating smooth operations in a firm is what is classified as trade stock. The main course of business for this taxpayer is servicing and selling computers, therefore, anything that contributes to this course whether tangible or intangible should be treated as trade stocks. Servicing of these computers cant be complete in absence of the spare parts thus classifying the spare parts as trade stocks. These spare parts since they are used to facilitate operations with economic reward expectation it qualifies to be a trading stock Wong(2007.Pg 380). Likewise, since they stand on its own individual traits without any alteration for identifiable purposes they qualify to be trade stock. Since the spare parts are disposable in nature upon transfer to customers after servicing it qualifies it to be trade stock. Despite the fact that the computers are leased, the taxpayer is still seen to use the spare parts to service the items that had already generated reward, from this, therefore, the conclusion is that the spare parts are classified as trade stocks.This is so because they are used to render maintenance service. However, the classification is only applicable if the spare parts period is that of less than a year or a year of which in our case an assumption of it being used for one year is applied. Spare parts are therefore classified depending on the time aspect whereby if its used to operate an asset for duration less than a year then it worth classified as trade stock and vice versa. Likewise, the classification is made on the purpose or sole use of the spare part whereby if its used for rendering any service like in our case maintenance or for production purpose. References Bainbridge, K.E. and Wallhagen, M.I., 2014. Hearing loss in an aging American population: extent, impact, and management. Annual review of public health, 35, pp.139-152. Cannella, S., Framinan, J.M., Bruccoleri, M., Barbosa-Pvoa, A.P. and Relvas, S., 2015. The effect of inventory record inaccuracy in information exchange supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 243(1), pp.120-129. Cernius, G., Birskyte, L. and Balkevicius, A., 2016. Influence of Rules for Computing Corporate Income Tax on the Accuracy of Financial Statements of Lithuanian Companies. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 63(1), pp.65-81. Dyte, R., 2005, June. What is the use of financial compliance? The case of small business in Australia. In INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SMALL BUSINESS (ICSB) WORLD CONFERENCE (Vol. 50, pp. 15-18). Evans, M., Peacock, and C., 2011. The GST Treatment of Financial Services in Australia. GST in Australia: Looking Forward from the First Decade, pp.133-160. Guo, Y., 2012. Research on Choices of Enterprise Inventory Valuation Methods and Taxing Planning. Friends of Accounting, the First Half of the Second Issue, pp.86-88. Kirchler, E. and Wahl, I., 2010. Tax compliance inventory TAX-I: Designing an inventory for surveys of tax compliance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(3), pp.331-346. Kk, A.G. and Shang, K.H., 2014. Evaluation of cycle-count policies for supply chains with inventory inaccuracy and implications on RFID investments. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(1), pp.91-105. Konur, D. and Schaefer, B., 2014. Integrated inventory control and transportation decisions under carbon emissions regulations: LTL vs. TL carriers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 68, pp.14-38. McCarthy, D., Peacock, and C., 2011. The Australian GSTWhy It Is the Way It Is and Where To from Here?. GST in Australia: Looking Forward from the First Decade (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2011), 61. Schmidlin, N., 2014. 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